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Welcome! This forum is a resource for caregivers, autistic people, their families and also providers across Washington State to talk about the issues around autism that matter most. From asking a question to seeking recommendations to information about a local event, find support for your specific needs in this online community.


Don't forget to use our Provider Announcements feature! Stay up to date with the latest special opportunities, conferences, services, and openings. Discover valuable information shared directly by our providers to help you make the most of your experience on this platform.  Share your information! 

Member Forums
If you are seeking information on a topic, our member forums allow for online discussion and support.
Provider Announcements
See the latest provider updates on autism programs and services in Washington State.
Our member forums allow caregivers, autistic people and their families to have a safe space to discuss issues and challenges, and learn about provider conferences, meetings and services.

Our Forums

Upcoming Events

Free autism video Presentations

Open your doors to autism

Does your organization wish to include autistic children and their families?  If so, consider contracting with the Developmental Disabilities Administration "DDA".  Here is the information & paperwork that needs to be completed and returned for approval. We can assist by having these forms sent directly to your email.  

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Please email if you have any enhancement suggestions you would like us to consider or if you note any errors while using AS360. 

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