We are pleased to help you find the right resources for your individual needs. Use the filters below to search by your location, type of services, insurance coverage, language spoken by the provider, and age group served. AS360 is adding new resources to our database daily. Check back for updates or contact us if you'd like your resource to be added!
يرجى استخدام حكمك المستقل عند إشراك أي محترف جديد أو بدء خدمة جديدة. لا يقوم مركز التوحد بجامعة ويسكونسن بتقييم هذه الموارد، أو لديه معرفة محددة بقدرات الأشخاص المدرجين في القائمة، أو يوافق بالضرورة على المعلومات المدرجة في مصادر موقع الويب.
Additional Services
See links below to Quick Services and Useful Links!
DDA Services
Department of Disability Administration ("DDA") DDA clients may have respite or community engagement hours assigned by your child's caseworker with the following links:
Respite Services
Enhanced Respite Services - Children Enhanced Respite Services are planned to provide families with: A break in caregiving
COE Providers
To be eligible for ABA services in Apple Health (Medicaid), clients must have a qualifying diagnosis of Autism or other individual/developmental disability and an order for ABA services from a COE provider